Thursday, September 13, 2007

No knitting to show - look at pretty cupcakes

Hi Knitters,

Again I am saved from making a knitting-free post by a friend (different one this time) sending me a link to a cool, knitting related image. Today: Knit Night Cupcakes!

teenytinyturkey used marzipan to make a whole series of cupcakes decorated with amazing replicas of knitted objects, balls of yarn and knitting in progress. She is an evil genius! I love them! I love teenytinyturkey!

At our next big knitting gathering, a la the Kristizilla farewell, we MUST make something from marzipan! I kind of like marzipan -- it was something I learned about back in my 20's when I worked at a European food importer & coffee shop back in C-U. They had a delightful case full of little marzipan fruits - bananas, grapes, strawberries, soooo cute. But Knit Night Cupcakes are clearly superior to any old fruits! All hail!

Why no knitting progress? Well, I've got a finishing bug just now. I'm trying so hard to finish up a pile of a dozen unfinished objects (photo later, if I get my act together) that I have no "process knitting" to work on . So far the finishing isn't going so great either. Bambuzzled was finished, but has been ripped back to the end of the last lace repeat for sloppy edges. I *did* finish Mom's watermelon socks and mail them, along with two hats I knit for giggles, which I have now donated to Mom's campaign to keep school kids warm. But I forgot to get a photo.

Since then, it's been knit, frog, knit, frog on all the other unfinished objects. I knit & reknit the watermelon mitten a few times (different stitch counts above the thumb, different needle sizes...) but it's still about 2 inches from done. Same with Bambuzzled -- forwards & back, but no progress. I'm withholding photography on these little bastards until they are DONE. That will show them, right? So, no photos yet.

Meanwhile the lack of process knitting caused a big turmoil last night as I tried to figure out what to take on my long car trip today. I think it's going to be socks. Socks are always good for "field knitting". Small enough to stuff in a pack. Sturdy enough to withstand life in the field. Impressive to one's birding companions. Good stuff all around. So imagine the chaos in the knitting room as I excavate every sock yarn and every sock pattern trying to decide what I will knit. Gah! If only I was a planner-ahead.

Even the sock knitting plan required a big assist from Janice and Emy, who transmitted the stitch pattern to me when I realized I didn't have the retro rib pattern in the house (note to self: write down who has borrowed your knitting books & magazines! Do not let them leave the house without knowing where they went! Bad librarian!)

I won't be able to knit much during the actual birding because I have a rule that knitting does not go on tiny boats. I get seasick enough without looking down at my knitting! Yes, it's tiny boats this weekend -- I'm going to Mendocino for a pair of "pelagic" (ocean-going) birding trips, with Shearwater Journeys. We'll be on a boat all day Friday out of Bodega Bay and all day Sunday out of Fort Bragg. By all day, I mean 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. All day. Two days. I think I might be crazy.

In between, I have convinced my birding companions to visit the Mendocino County Fair... home of the California Wool & Fiber Festival. There I will visit young Margit, who will be selling her Fiber Fienddyed roving and I just might visit a few other vendors as well. Tragically (luckily? depends on who you ask!), we will be 4 birders in one vehicle... limiting my fleece acquisition possibilities. Unless I have the fleece ... mailed to me... later. Now, that's worth thinking about. Hmmm... maybe if they poked holes in the carton, they could mail me a sheep?


Blogger Wiz Knitter said...

These are way too much fun, although marzipan molding seems even fiddlier than sock knitting!

September 14, 2007 2:29 PM  
Blogger Bogie said...

I love looking at the cupcakes, but when I saw how much time and effort it was I decided it was for someone else to try. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week!

September 14, 2007 3:28 PM  

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