Friday, June 25, 2004

Arcadia and ancient projects

Last night we saw Tom Stoppard's Arcadia at theatreworks in Mountain View. It's deep & multilayered, like all the Stoppard I've seen so far, but also beautiful and emotional. I was just weeping at the end. Boo hoo. Great, great text and very well performed.

... which explains why my knitting progress is minimal. I've done scattered work in the last few days to clean up the many, many WIP/doomed projects:

  • Charlotte is still lying fallow until I decide if I'm going to knit another repeat of the pattern.
  • I sewed the one finished sleeve onto the Swan cardigan to check the fit on random models at work. I've got 6" of 18 on the 2nd sleeve.
  • Finished the turtleneck of Wendy's sweater, just seams left
  • Crocheted 4 string ties for the Florella baby set.

I'm itching to get Swan, the turtleneck & Florella finished, washed & shipped. I need to reduce the doomed objects quotient (DOQ) so I can feel OK about moving on to the ASA socks. :-) Who thinks I can have them all done by Sunday night?


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